Our empowerment commitment
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- Published: Wednesday, 05 December 2018 17:06
It is a national priority to assist historically disadvantaged persons to take their rightful place in the mining and minerals industry. Ntsimbintle Holdings is a leading force in driving this transformation within the sector and at every level of our company. Importantly, we are intent that all South Africans derive sustainable benefit from the country’s mineral wealth.
B-BBEE representation
South African legislation for the regulation of mining seeks to facilitate participation by historically disadvantaged South Africans (HDSAs) in national mining ventures. Ntsimbintle Holdings is fully compliant with the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA), and with the associated Mining Charter.
Since inception, we have worked successfully with South Africa’s Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) in the interest of regulatory compliance and the upliftment of HDSAs in the mining and minerals industry.
We are a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE)-controlled company comprising 14 shareholders. In addition to Safika Resources (a subsidiary of Safika Holdings), shareholders include 13 women, community and entrepreneurial entities.

Ntsimbintle Holdings provides employment to more than 1,000 people across its operations. We pride ourselves on a culture based on trust, mutual respect and dialogue.
Our people are the key to our success
We recognise the importance of human resource development in building a successful company and thriving community. As such, at an operational level, we have established several skills-development programmes and have put in place programmes to facilitate the personal development of our workforce and community members.
Ntsimbintle Holdings awards scholarships and bursaries to students, and at an operational level empowers adults by sponsoring basic training, core-skills development and artisan training.
Creating sustainable value for our communities
Giving back to local communities is a cornerstone of our operations. At Tshipi community projects include a rural bulk-water supply project; foundation-phase teacher development programme, and the funding of a community clinic, learning centres, and educational, business and technical training programmes.
Tshipi are also involved in the training and development of John Taolo Gaetsewe-supported SMMEs, and have engaged with local businesses to provide support services such as waste management for the operations at Tshipi Borwa mine.
A successful mining operation has the potential to contribute significantly to economic growth, and to help lift South Africans out of poverty. We believe a flourishing community will enable our company to succeed, and therefore, our host communities must be the first to benefit from the value we create through mining.
We engage all of our stakeholders – including shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, regulators, and local municipalities and communities – in order to build constructive, sustainable relationships, and to support our host communities in securing lasting prosperity.